Collection of application Forms (No quota)

  1. Online application
  2. Download the  Application form 
  3. Obtain from school in person
  4. Request by post

Application Form

Date: Please collect it from school during office hours

Submission Period (No Limit On Applications)

Period: Please hand it back to school during office hours

Return method — 1. Online application

                                 2. In person at the school

                                 3. By mail with cover stated ‘2025-2026 K1 enrollment application’. The address is ‘HHCKLA Buddhist Wai Kwong                                                              Kindergarten, G/F , Lai Ming Hse, Wah Ming Est, Fanling, N.T., Hong Kong’.

                                 4. Email to [email protected]. (Application will be replied by email)

 Required Documents — 1 photo

                                             1 photocopy of birth certificate and 1 photocopy of immunisation record (Parents who apply in person should                                                                    bring both original copies and photocopies. If the applicant cannot provide the original copy on the application day,                                                          please bring it on the interview day.)

                                             4 stamped envelopes with applicant’s name and address (No envelopes needed for email application).

 Application fee— HK$40 (to be collected together with the application form). The application fee is non-refundable whether the application is                                           successful or not.

  • Cheque payable to ‘HHCKLA Buddhist Wai Kwong Kindergarten’ (Please write down the nameof child, contact number and ‘2025-2026 Application fee’ at the back of the cheque.
  • Internet transfer: Hang Seng Bank account number is 237-030192-001 (Please save the receiptand email it to [email protected] with applicant’s name. The email subject will be ‘2025-2026′

After receiving the application, the school will arrange an interview in mid-October via post. 

❤️The date for the interview is November 3,2024 (Sunday).❤️

Office Hours (Except Public Holiday)

Monday to Friday — 9:00am- 12:30pm, 1:30pm- 4:30pm     
                Saturday — 9:00am-12:00noon

Application for the “Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission”

  1. Under the kindergarten (KG) education scheme (hereafter referred to as Scheme”), each child who can receive education in Hong Kong will only be issued a registration document and all Scheme-KGs can only admit children holding a valid registration document.
  2. Parents are required to submit an application for the Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission (hereafter referred to as“RC”) to the EDB from September to November 2024. The RC will be open for applications in September 2024 and the EDB will announce and upload the details of application onto the in due course. Upon receipt of the applications with all necessary information and documents provided, the EDB will generally take six to eight weeks to complete processing of the applications and issue the RC to applicants who are eligible for receiving subsidy under the Scheme by post. If a child cannot obtain an RC as he/she can receive education in Hong Kong but is not eligible for receiving subsidy under the Scheme 2 , the EDB will then issue a Kindergarten Admission Pass (hereafter referred to as“AP”) to the child concerned for registration and admission to a Scheme-KG but the parents concerned are required to pay full school fees before deduction of subsidy under the Scheme as shown on the Fees Certificate of the KG to which the child is admitted.

2 Upon obtaining permission from the Director of Immigration, non-local children (such as children holding a form of recognizance, children whose parent(s) is/are holding a student visa, etc.) can receive education in Hong Kong but they are not eligible for subsidy under the Scheme.

Interview Details (All applicants will be interviewed.)

Date— Tentatively scheduled for 3rd November 2024 (Details will be sent by mail or email)

 Interview content — Observation through playing games and interacting with teacher (individual/ group).

                                      Applicant should be accompanied by parent(s).

                                   * When interviewing non-Chinese-speaking children for enrollment, we provide English translation services or allow parents                                              to be accompanied by Chinese-speaking relatives or friends to assist with communication. If the child is not in Hong Kong,                                            please contact our school to arrange an online interview.

Admission Criteria

  1. Interview performance
  2. Priority consideration will be given to applicants whose parent(s)/sibling(s)/relative(s)/friend(s) is/are currently studying or has/have studied at our school.
  3. Priority for whole day classes will be given to families in need. (Applicants may be asked to provide proof.)
  4. Priority will be given to the children of the employees of our school’s association.

*Priority does not ensure successful enrollment.

Announcement Result Arrangement

We will inform all applicants of the admission results tentatively scheduled for early December 2024 by mail or email.

  • Successful applicants:Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child during ‘Centralised Registration Dates’ announced by EDB by submitting the ‘RC’/ ‘AP’ to the kindergarten and paying the registration fee. ($970 for half day class, $1,570 for whole day class)
  • Applicants on the waiting list: If the successful applicant fails to register during the ‘Centralized Registration Dates’, the school may allocate the places to applicants on the waiting list.
  • Unsuccessful Applicants: Applicants can refer to the K1 vacancy information released by the EDB on its website after the ‘Centralized Registration Dates’ starting from the end of February 2025.

Registration Arrangements

  • Successful applicants: Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child, tentatively scheduled for January 2 to 4, 2025 (Centralized Registration Dates), by submitting the RC/AP to the KG and paying the registration fee.
  • Applicants on the waiting list: We will inform parents (notification means: by email/by post/others) and parents should complete the registration procedures for their child according to the specified date set by the KG. Parents are required to submit the RC / AP to the KG and pay the registration fee.
  • Please be reminded that if parents cannot submit the RC / AP during registration, the KG may not be able to complete registration for their child. Hence, parents are required to submit application for the registration document to the EDB within the specified period.
  • The registration fee for 2025/26 K1 place is HK$970 for half day class, $1,570 for whole day class. If the child concerned studies in the KG, the registration fee paid will be refunded in October. Should parents decide to change school after registration, please notify the KG in writing. The KG will return the RC / AP as soon as possible but the registration fee will not be refunded. Upon obtaining the RC / AP, the KG will no longer keep the school place for the child.